I read this article the other day entitled, “What Do Men Like To Hear?” It was posted on June 24, 2011, by YML Staff. One of the commentors to the article mentioned what happened to spell-check? Lmao, as I read on I wondered the same thing! And to think this person gets paid to write. But I don’t wish to cast aspersions, I don't wish to insult, and I digress.
I realize the fact that a man wants his woman to see all of his good parts and appreciate him for them. If your date is a true loser and really far from being intelligent, praise and appreciate him for his one manly quality, his cock. Regardless if he makes lots of mistakes or has no redeeming graces, there is no limit to encouraging a man.
Tell him lies if need be, we all have flaws.
If you’re approached by a total ‘loser’ who is berating you at the top of his lungs, tell management or simply leave. He’ll find someone who will appreciate him for the qualities he has. If you can’t say he’s a good person, then he probably isn’t.
Usually praising any guy positively impacts on his ego. We’re the person he’s asking to give him sex and I think we should simply as a form of encouragement for both of us. Besides, if we don’t do it there’s usually another T-girl who will, and she might even enjoy being humiliated and dis-respected in public. He’s the superior to her inferior. You control how to live your life, you decide what you’re willing to put up with and what your not. Hold on to that thought!
I also read the book, “The Surrendered Wife” by Laura Doyle, and it’s well worth the read. You’ll quickly find out how and why men behave the way they do and learn how to stop it, if you wish. While the book presents many insights about how to obtain the intimacy you crave, it can also be a guide for bed-hopping Transvestites.
Not once does it talk about the woman as deserving any respect or encouragement.
It’s seems very controversial but claims to have transformed thousands of relationships, bringing women romance and intimacy. Just like millions of women, Transvestites want there situation to be better also. But, as Laura Doyle writes, she tried to get her husband to be more romantic, helpful and ambitious, he instead withdrew. The result was she became lonely and exhausted, but, she admits, she was controlling everything. Desperate to be in love with her man again, she decided to stop telling him what to do and how to do it.
Sound familiar? Look as pretty as you can, be as feminine as possible and wait.
When she finally surrendered control she says something magical happened. The union she always dreamed of reappeared and the man who had wooed her was back.
The underlying principle of The Surrendered Wife is simple: The control women wield at work and with children must be left at the front door of any relationship in order to gain sexual intimacy. The only difference here is that Transvestites usually use back doors!
The Surrendered Wife is a step-by-step guide that teaches women how to give up unnecessary control and responsibility. How to express their needs while respecting their husband's choices. How to resist the temptation to criticize, belittle or dismiss their husbands and comply with him in every aspect of the marriage - from sexual demands to financial needs ... and maybe a little more.
Transvestites don’t usually expect to find husbands, they usually take great pains to simply look passable and get sexed. A Long Term Relationship (LTR) can be quite nice to land of course.
A man does not need to show and give me respect no matter what. Just let me get him hard once in a while and take his climax, it pays off very well in the end. Ironically, the bible say’s there’s power in my tongue. If they only knew just how much!
It’s easy to make a man fall in love with you: just say, “Its not yours” or “I think we should date other people” or “No matter what happens, I won’t ask you for alimony.” You might want to tell him these things as you hand him your panties. We Transvestites usually just say; “I’ve got to go to the store to pick up more anal-eaze and the fridge is filled with Coronas.” Trust me, this will make you golden.
This is a very old joke but it fits this situation:
I came into a new company as a director and had to fill an open position. One individual who was to report to me had been kicked around by people for quite a while, he obviously had low self esteem. He had a wife that would call him at work and yell at him for different things. You could actually hear her yelling over the phone! Well, I gave this guy some encouragement, I made him feel good about himself and then told him I knew he could do the job. I gave it to him. He became a superstar literally over night.
Ladies, the things your men can do with merely guttural encouragement is absolutely significant. I’m sure most women don’t do this for their husbands or boyfriends near enough and I have to admit, I like it that way. It makes what I do as a low moral transvestite easier.
It’s really good for us to appreciate our men, even when they don’t possess the qualities we’d like, but there must be some unique thing in him. Find that thing and use it to build up the other qualities. You’ll have much success.
Many people tell me I have zero good qualities and I need to take a good hard look at myself. The facts are, I’m going to keep on trolling and taking it as it comes. I don’t see society changing in my lifetime and I think I do have good if not great qualities!
I like what you say here. And based solely on it (because I've never *met* you before), I think your final comment is completely justified.
ReplyDeleteThank you, again! It's just what I learned by living.